Exploding Light … a Sacred Elephant Dream

10575261_606361776150537_2636925979281805216_o PAINTING BY ANDREW BOERGER http://andysart-andyboerger.blogspot.jp/

At first I didn’t mean to post this, because it was such a short dream, although packed with Grace and Light, but here I am, looking for something truly beautiful and inspirational to write about for the beginning of the New Year.

And what could I ever find more inspiring than this dream?

I can`t explain or describe the sense of bliss, of Grace, of Love, of infinite expansion that I felt in that moment of union with this beautiful creature, but maybe Andy Boerger’s extraordinary painting can give you a better idea.

Since there are not many reflections or considerations I can make about this, except that it was such a wondrous experience that stayed with me to this day, let me try to just tell you briefly about it.

 It was April 21 , 2005.

 I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself wondering about something pretty enigmatic that I had read the day before, that dolphins are like pilots and whales are a sort of libraries, a kind of database of ancient knowledge, and that some big animals roaming the Earth have the same task or role too.

“It must be elephants”, I thought.

Then I dropped into sleep and a most wondrous dream came.

I see an elephant, not particularly big, coming out of a jungle .

He (I seemed to have assumed it was a male) comes towards me and I approach him. As I get close, like very close, I put my forehead on his forehead above the trunk. And lo and behold ! as our foreheads touch, all LIGHT explodes!

 There was a burst of Light that I shall never forget. And it `FELT` LIGHT !!! And with it a myriad of wonderful sensations exploded inside me. A sort of  expansion and light coming out of us and enfolding us.

It was a transcendent , blissful, divine moment…what more can I say but truly “THANK YOU !!!”


I do take this occasion to wish all my readers and followers a very, very, VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR, full of all the most wonderful dreams come true ! ❤

Click on the image to read about Foal and the Angels on Amazon.

Foal and the Angels

Foal and the Angels: Wisdom Comes Through: A Journey of Understanding